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Top 5 SEO Tips and Tricks that Actually Work

Search Engine Optimization has become one of the most debated topics for hot gossip these days. Search giants as Google surely doesn’t want you to figure out how they’re applying their strategies and declare out the working tips and tricks for optimizing your contents.
There are millions of tricks and methods which are applied by SEO professional to build better audience and gain better exposure under SERPs. These are just some basic tricks and they will help you manage almost 90 percent of your SEO tasks. Be ethical in your approach and make sure you provide quality content. With Google Panda integrated to the main search algorithm we have sure seen some penalization to poorly written articles. So, always remember content is King and SEO comes only after that. Beware of SEO Myths and mistakes that might lead to catastrophic disaster for your blog/site reputation.
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Still there are hardcore analysts and experts who are always trying to figure out what method actually works by mixing several logic and techniques which are practically applied and tested with real web projects. It can almost take months for you to analyze each of these processes and find out the best among them.
Today, we’re going to show you some techniques that’ll help you to build your SEO strategies more clearly without having the need to knock your head against the testing wall more months. These tips are pretty simple but they’re quite impressive in bringing out the best results within short amount of time. Keep them in check and you’ll survive just fine.

Titles and Meta Tags

The title tags are the ones which reside on the top of your website headings and let search engines know more about the website contents and inner pages. These tags are not equivalent to Meta tags for SEO but they work side by side with them to define your website content and data it hosts. Ranking your site page largely depends on your title tag definition so consider it as the most important aspect of SEO and give the best possible title to your posts/pages. You can sure add some keywords to it but just don’t overuse it.

Use Proper Heading Tags

Another important tip is to use proper heading in your site post/page, because they’re the ones which help the visitors and Search Engines to know what the key points of your page are. You should use H2 heading as well as some additional heading tags such as H3 and H4 wherever necessary.

Link & Image Attributes

Adding relevant images and some matching alt text can definitely let the visits have a better view about your contents. This also has a positive effect on readers. Just image reading through a page with no images and another website with similar content having relevant images added to the article.
Including reference links is an important step towards making your website look good as it helps your readers and search engines to determine about your source. This many additionally also help your readers get more idea about a particular topic which you have not discussed in the article but sure needs some citation.

Breadcrumbs and XML Site Maps

Sitemaps and breadcrumbs can help your visitors to easily navigate within your website without getting lost in somewhere and it redirects them to the contents they’re looking for.
Search Engines can see the whole list of pages of your site as well as the modified pages, posts to find out the links to your contents. If you are able to set the breadcrumbs correctly, your search result will also be shown as breadcrumb paths than the orthodox absolute URL paths.

Ethical Link Building

There is a difference between paid and natural link building practices. Never ever pay and buy links for your sites. This is not allowed and is punishable by Google by completely de-indexing your site.
If you want to increase the page rank naturally then you need to build the links ethically. You can submit your blogs to different directory sites which can help those visitors know about your site and it can drastically improve your page rank for Google. Moreover Guest posting on similar topics with a link about your site in Author BIO will also help you improve your website Domain Authority and gain more audience gradually.

Bonus: Social Media Support

We call it a bonus trick as most of you’ll drive through the other tips and get massive outputs. This tip is to introduce your blog to the community. It’s not a SEO trick though. The more you share your posts, the better visitors you can expect through your friends and fans in social media. Check out how to use Facebook to promote your business here.
I know Matt Cutts is the best person to ask about SEO, but he always keeps everything so confusing that it finally comes down to our practical experiences to have a better idea about this matrix. So, if you are a webmaster, we would like you to enlighten us more on this topic. Please share your experiences and working strategies that you have seen practically work for optimization purpose.

Judul : Top 5 SEO Tips and Tricks that Actually Work
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URL : https://seotipsku.blogspot.com/2013/12/top-5-seo-tips-and-tricks-that-actually.html
Ditulis Oleh : EraVisi

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